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An Effective Alternative

Cosmetic laser treatments have exploded in the medical field because of their ability to treat a variety of aesthetic concerns without any downtime required. Whether you would like to sculpt areas of your body, remove unwanted hair, treat vascular malformations in the skin, or experience a lasting solution for parasitic fungus in the nail bed, we have an effective alternative.

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How Body Lasers Work

Body lasers harness the power of light and heat energy to penetrate the superficial dermal layers and offer lasting enhancements for larger surface areas or smaller sensitive areas of the body. Using a versatile tool, body lasers use precision to treat various skin conditions, including loss of elasticity, excess or unwanted hair, unsightly veins, wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, fungus, and more. With state-of-the-art laser technology, patients can improve skin tone and texture with minimal discomfort and no downtime with our laser hair removal in Fort Lauderdale.

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What Is Tightsculpting®?

An innovative, FDA-approved, cutting-edge laser treatment by Fotona, Tightsculpting® combines two advanced lasers to deliver a non-invasive dual-wavelength system that reduces the circumference and improves the abdomen's appearance, flanks, arms, buttocks, knees, and thighs.

Controlled Heat

The Nd:YAG laser component offers controlled deep thermal heating, penetrating the tissues and targeting stubborn fat in the treatment areas for non-invasive contouring. ​​Tightsculpting® breaks down fat cells so the body can remove them naturally without harming the skin.

Skin Tightening

The Er:YAG laser component gently contracts your skin’s collagen fibers, tightening and resurfacing the superficial dermal layers. ​​Tightsculpting® simultaneously smooths and rejuvenates the skin as it sculpts your physique. It can even address stretch marks on the treatment areas.

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Enjoy Non-Surgical Body Contouring

​​Tightsculpting® reduces fat and increases skin elasticity for a smoother, more toned definition of your body’s contours. By targeting underlying fat cells and producing firmer, tighter skin, you can notice a reduction in the appearance of cellulite in the skin and an overall more even texture and tone. An effective combination treatment, the ​​Tightsculpting® procedure is quick, safe, and requires no downtime or consumables.

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Laser Vein Removal: A Vascular Solution

Spider veins, broken capillaries, and other vascular issues can detract from the appearance of your skin. Laser treatments offer a safe and effective solution to restore an even tone to your skin. As the laser device passes over your skin, it delivers quick pulses of heat energy that absorb into the spider veins and reduce their appearance.

While the procedure feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin or a tiny pinprick, patients find it manageable. The procedure length can be predicted based on the size of your treatment area. You may need multiple treatments in order to achieve the desired results, and sessions are generally scheduled 6-12 weeks apart.

Enjoy Soft, Smooth, Touchable Skin With Laser Hair Removal

You can finally triumph over unwanted hair with safe, effective laser hair removal in Fort Lauderdale. Although the treatment’s success depends on the individual’s hair type and skin tone, most patients can see a dramatic reduction in hair growth with the proper amount of treatments. Our qualified practitioner will discuss the treatment process and determine the ideal number of sessions to achieve the soft, smooth, touchable skin you desire. Ideal candidates for laser hair removal have darker hair than their skin tone. If you seek lasting results, schedule a consultation at our beautiful Las Olas MedSpa to determine if laser hair removal suits you.

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Convenient Onychomycosis Treatment

You can finally experience relief from unsightly nail fungus with our laser onychomycosis treatment in Fort Lauderdale. Using a patented cutting-edge laser device, the nail bed undergoes deep heating that stimulates your body’s natural immune and growth processes, significantly reducing the fungal infection and restoring your nail to a clear, pristine, healthy condition. 

This convenient and effective treatment transforms disfigured or discolored nails into a revitalized appearance. By evenly spreading the laser treatment across the tissues, you can experience lasting improvements without the limitations or side effects of traditional oral or topical medications. While you may experience a pinprick or heat sensation, discomfort is minor for most patients.

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The Las Olas MedSpa Promise

Our expert medical professionals at Las Olas MedSpa in Fort Lauderdale offer the highest quality enhancements in a safe and comfortable environment. Because we bring you board-certified doctors to perform your treatments, you can expect a precise, gentle touch that prioritizes your safety. With personalized medical aesthetic procedures unique to each patient’s anatomy and goals, we are confident you will be thrilled with your results, and they will exceed your expectations. Best of all, we deliver a luxury experience in our cutting-edge facility at an affordable price, making dreams come true.

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